Daily Archives: 26 Maggio 2013

5 questions about #contentcuration to make the web…

5 questions about #contentcuration to make the web a better place :-) http://t.co/eO7p9LpYSA Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 26, 2013 Technology Integration in the Classroom: Five questions about content curationImage taken from Flickr from Gwyneth Bronwynne. Graphic by Dr. Joyce Valenza I recently participated in a Twitter chat with my friends at #edtechchat and we discussed a [...]

By | 2013-05-26T12:20:47+02:00 Maggio 26th, 2013|contentcuration|0 Comments

The importance of #creativity: add value to your…

The importance of #creativity: add value to your business! http://t.co/loeEpXBchs Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 26, 2013 What Value Creation Will Look Like in the FutureOrganizations have nearly perfected implementing the industrial model of managing work - the effort applied toward completing a task. For individuals, this model ensures that we know what we're supposed to do [...]

By | 2013-05-26T12:00:57+02:00 Maggio 26th, 2013|creativity|0 Comments