Paolo Fabrizio

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Paolo Fabrizio

About Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. Negli anni '90 partecipa alla startup della prima compagnia assicurativa online in Italia seguendo l'intero ciclo di vita del cliente. Dal 2013 come consulente e formatore aiuta le imprese a sfruttare il servizio clienti digitale come leva di business. Fondatore di, è autore di libri tematici e speaker a convegni in Italia e all'estero. Lecturer all'Università Bicocca di Milano

Marketing Reboot? Are You Ready to Change?

Marketing Reboot, Are You Ready to Change? | Social Media ExaminerIs your business ready to face the technological and sociological changes that are happening right now? To learn why you need to consider rebooting the way you market in this rapidly changing world, I interview Mitch Joel for this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast. More [...]

By | 2013-05-24T12:00:56+02:00 Maggio 24th, 2013|Non categorizzato|0 Comments

How to let your website compliant to new Google’s…

How to let your website compliant to new Google's #Penguin algorithm. Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 24, 2013 Twitter diventa più sicuro con la doppia autenticazione - Uno Spreco di BitTwitter aumenta la sicurezza introducendo un nuovo sistema di accesso: oltre alla password è attivo un meccanismo di verifica di un codice inviato per SMS.

By | 2013-05-24T11:08:53+02:00 Maggio 24th, 2013|Penguin|0 Comments

I heard it thru the (grape) #Vine…creativity…

I heard it thru the (grape) #Vine...creativity matters! Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 24, 2013 Five People Rocking Vine with Great Video Content | Jeffbullas's BlogVine, the Twitter-owned 'Instagram of video' application that allows users to capture short, six-second long videos and stop-frame animations, has opened up a whole new vehicle for creativity. As the web [...]

By | 2013-05-24T08:53:25+02:00 Maggio 24th, 2013|Vine|0 Comments

The 3 #SEO pillars: Content, Links &…

The 3 #SEO pillars: Content, Links & #SocialMedia. Be present on #GooglePlus ! Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 23, 2013 The 3 Pillars of SEO in 2013: Content, Links, and Social MediaA good SEO strategy is the difference between your business easily being found online and getting lost in the noise of thousands of other businesses [...]

By | 2013-05-23T20:45:57+02:00 Maggio 23rd, 2013|SEO, SocialMedia|0 Comments