Paolo Fabrizio

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Paolo Fabrizio

About Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. Negli anni '90 partecipa alla startup della prima compagnia assicurativa online in Italia seguendo l'intero ciclo di vita del cliente. Dal 2013 come consulente e formatore aiuta le imprese a sfruttare il servizio clienti digitale come leva di business. Fondatore di, è autore di libri tematici e speaker a convegni in Italia e all'estero. Lecturer all'Università Bicocca di Milano

The evolution of #SocialCRM: current stats and…

The evolution of #SocialCRM: current stats and takeaways Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 16, 2013 Evolution of Social CRMIntroduction Social CRM means different things to different organizations and people. Social networks are constantly growing, and so is the need for social CRM. Let us look at how the traditional CRM has evolved into Social CRM (SCRM) [...]

By | 2013-05-16T17:48:28+02:00 Maggio 16th, 2013|SocialCRM|0 Comments

Stop following the myth of work-life balance…

Stop following the myth of work-life balance #biz Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 16, 2013 Stop Chasing the Myth of Balance | BMO SmartSteps® for Businessbal·ance Noun: An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. Verb: Keep or put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall. [...]

By | 2013-05-16T17:34:42+02:00 Maggio 16th, 2013|biz|0 Comments

Tempi di reazione e Il ciclo di vita di una…

Tempi di reazione e Il ciclo di vita di una notizia: #Facebook Vs #Twitter Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 16, 2013 Il ciclo di vita di una notizia sui Social Network: Facebook Vs TwitterQualche tempo fa ho condiviso da queste parti una ricerca sulla propagazione del contenuto informativo su diversi social media che forniva dati molto [...]

By | 2013-05-16T14:12:30+02:00 Maggio 16th, 2013|Facebook, Twitter|0 Comments

How to Compare Your Facebook Page With the Competition

How to Compare Your Facebook Page With the Competition | Social Media ExaminerAre you wondering how your Facebook Page compares to competitors? What can you do to improve your performance? Insights into how your competitors are using Facebook can help you better understand your audience on Facebook and how they use Facebook. In this article, [...]

By | 2013-05-16T12:00:06+02:00 Maggio 16th, 2013|Non categorizzato|0 Comments