Daily Archives: 15 Maggio 2013

9 reasons to use #Hootsuite for your #SocialCRM…

9 reasons to use #Hootsuite for your #SocialCRM http://t.co/EEXz26YXsG Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 15, 2013 Why You Should Use Hootsuite For Social Media MarketingWhy You Should Use Hootsuite For Social Media Marketing Managing social media marketing is not a child's play anymore. With the presence of a host of social networking sites, it may become tiring [...]

By | 2013-05-15T23:19:16+02:00 Maggio 15th, 2013|Hootsuite, SocialCRM|0 Comments

How to Network Using LinkedIn Groups

How to Network Using LinkedIn Groups | Social Media ExaminerAre you a member of a LinkedIn Group? Do you spend time networking in LinkedIn Groups? LinkedIn Groups are great way to build credibility and make new connections that can ultimately help grow your business. With over 1.5 million LinkedIn Groups, it can be difficult to [...]

By | 2013-05-15T12:00:10+02:00 Maggio 15th, 2013|Non categorizzato|0 Comments

Come gestire 5 tipologie di clienti scontenti sui…

Come gestire 5 tipologie di clienti scontenti sui #SocialMedia http://t.co/ZBMGDsuSvW Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 15, 2013 5 tipologie di clienti scontenti: ecco come gestirli sui social media e difendere loyalty e reputazioneÈ l'altro lato della medaglia social, quello che fa da contrappeso allo scambio conversazionale che le aziende hanno con i propri clienti: se è vero [...]

By | 2013-05-15T11:17:14+02:00 Maggio 15th, 2013|SocialMedia|0 Comments