Paolo Fabrizio

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Paolo Fabrizio

About Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. Negli anni '90 partecipa alla startup della prima compagnia assicurativa online in Italia seguendo l'intero ciclo di vita del cliente. Dal 2013 come consulente e formatore aiuta le imprese a sfruttare il servizio clienti digitale come leva di business. Fondatore di, è autore di libri tematici e speaker a convegni in Italia e all'estero. Lecturer all'Università Bicocca di Milano

L’era del visual storytelling e i social media…

L’era del visual storytelling e i social media Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 21, 2013 L'era del visual storytelling e i social mediaNon dirmelo, mostramelo! Nell'ultimo decennio la tecnologia digitale ha dato nuova linfa all'espressione visiva: basta guardarsi intorno e i dati di vendita lo confermano. C'è un boom di apparecchiature fotografiche, videocamere, smartphone, software e [...]

By | 2013-05-21T10:37:44+02:00 Maggio 21st, 2013|Non categorizzato|0 Comments

Come compilare il vostro profilo #LinkedIn in 3…

Come compilare il vostro profilo #LinkedIn in 3 mosse Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 21, 2013 LinkedIn: 3 tips for building a better profileRecently, this blog offered a "how-to" on spring-cleaning your resume. Like that document, your LinkedIn profile should constantly evolve along with your experience and interests. Frequent updates keep the content current, and new [...]

By | 2013-05-21T09:13:26+02:00 Maggio 21st, 2013|LinkedIn|0 Comments

7 Points to check if your #website is really…

7 Points to check if your #website is really mobile optimized Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 21, 2013 Mobile Optimized Website ChecklistIs your website mobile optimized? By making sure your website is ready for the mobile traffic already visiting, you'll want to review these 7 points to give users the best experience. Mobile responsive When a [...]

By | 2013-05-21T08:47:49+02:00 Maggio 21st, 2013|website|0 Comments

Did you know that about 46% of online users rely…

Did you know that about 46% of online users rely on #SocialMedia to make a purchase decision? Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 21, 2013 18 Fresh Stats About the Current State of Social Media MarketingAt some point or another, we've all heard people spout off about the "death" of social media. One day someone announces a [...]

By | 2013-05-21T06:54:31+02:00 Maggio 21st, 2013|SocialMedia|0 Comments

3 Simple Ways to Measure Your Social Media Results

3 Strategies to Measure Your Social Media | Social Media ExaminerAre you looking for better ways to measure your social media activities? Do you know if your social media efforts are worthwhile? Social media measurement is one of the most frustrating challenges business face. In this article I’ll show you three simple measurement strategies that can [...]

By | 2013-05-20T12:00:30+02:00 Maggio 20th, 2013|Non categorizzato|0 Comments