

Back to the #marketing roots! (Don’t be stuck with…

Back to the #marketing roots! (Don’t be stuck with #web innovations) Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)June 02, 2013 Digital revolution brings us back to basics By Gregory Pouy, {grow} Community Member A lot has been said about the digital transformation and in fact, newspapers, magazines and blogs are writing about this
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When do customers & #marketing really Rock!…

When do customers & #marketing really Rock! Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 29, 2013 This is How You Use Your Customers For Marketing! I was scrolling through Facebook last week when I came across this post from Lexus. Immediately, I got excited! Granted, I wasn’t excited so much for the content
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Birre ‘virali’ ? Le grandi marche utilizzano…

Birre ‘virali’ ? Le grandi marche utilizzano strategie di #marketing inusuali #SocialMediaScrum Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)March 27, 2013 Le birre puntano sul marketing non convenzionale – 1stonthenet Esiste uno strumento migliore rispetto ad un bel video virale per promuoversi facilmente e rapidamente online? A giudicare dagli esempi, riportati alla luce
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