Digital Customer Service Consultancy
This is the right page for you if you:
- Want to take advantage of the Digital Customer Service to win and attract customers.
- Don't settle for good customer service because you want to stand out from competitors.
- Are willing to question your habits in order to innovate your customer service culture.
What services are you interested in?
1. Road Map Digital Customer Service (strategic goals, main steps, results, consolidation).
2. Conversational AI (analysis, chatbot to human handover, post-conversation quality checks).
3. Metrics review (KPI / SLA) for digital support channels.
4. Digital conversations assessments (qualitative analysis on digital customer service conversations).
5. DCS team hiring (internal / external selection process with interviews and stress tests).
6. Process review and implementation (e.g. cross-department procedures, tone of voice and customer engagement).
7. Other (please specify).
Fill out the form
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Client testimonials

Paolo has helped us improve our Digital Customer Service. Starting from a complete assessment of business, he has developed a training process for our agents and ad hoc sessions for our manager. Surely a path of great growth for all of our team.
Salvatore D'Onofrio
Head of Voice of the Customer, ING

Paolo has been helping the Bank to our transform traditional Customer Service into Digital CX hub. I appreciate his innovative, professional and agile approach. His experience and open-minded approach may help any business to leverage their level of service.
Darko Popovic
COO, Multitude Bank

Paolo has combined strategic vision and great practical sense having extensively trained the Front Office team on soft, relational and communication skills.
It's been an important moment of growth for our whole Customer Loyalty in Italy.
Ruggero Carpentiere
Chief Customer Officer, Air Liquide
1. Who are your consulting designed to?
2. Where do your consultancy sessions take place?
3. Why should I hire you?
4. What languages do you serve?
5. How much do your consultancies cost?
Selected client companies


Paolo Fabrizio
Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker.
In the 90s he took part in the startup of the first online insurance company in Italy, following the customer's entire life cycle. Since 2013 as a consultant and trainer he has been helping companies to harness digital customer service as a business driver. Founder of, author of books and speaker at conferences in Italy and abroad. Lecturer at the Bicocca University of Milan (Master MADIM).