Paolo Fabrizio

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Paolo Fabrizio

About Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. Negli anni '90 partecipa alla startup della prima compagnia assicurativa online in Italia seguendo l'intero ciclo di vita del cliente. Dal 2013 come consulente e formatore aiuta le imprese a sfruttare il servizio clienti digitale come leva di business. Fondatore di, è autore di libri tematici e speaker a convegni in Italia e all'estero. Lecturer all'Università Bicocca di Milano

How to Track Your Facebook Ad Conversions

How to Track Your Facebook Ad Conversions | Social Media ExaminerDo you know how to measure your return on investment (ROI) on Facebook ads? Do you know how to tell if your Facebook ad is accomplishing your objective? In this article, I’ll cover what Facebook conversion tracking and offsite pixels are, why they matter and [...]

By | 2013-05-30T12:00:09+02:00 Maggio 30th, 2013|Non categorizzato|0 Comments

Retwittalo! 5 Pillole per Blogger contro l’ansia…

Retwittalo! 5 Pillole per Blogger contro l'ansia da 'Post' #SocialMediaScrum Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 30, 2013 Blogger: 5 pillole contro l'ansia da 'Post'4 Come ottenere 'engagement' A chi ti rivolgi quando scrivi? Qual'è il tuo target di riferimento? Solo dopo aver risposto a queste due domande puoi cercare di scrivere contenuti di qualità e di [...]

By | 2013-05-30T10:51:36+02:00 Maggio 30th, 2013|SocialMediaScrum|0 Comments

#Gmail inbox emails’ new features…

#Gmail inbox emails' new features Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 29, 2013 Gmail Gets a Brand New InboxAs rumored, the Gmail inbox is getting a new look on the desktop, iOS and Android. The new inbox matches leaked screenshots that appeared at the end of last week and it shows off a look that is more [...]

By | 2013-05-29T23:34:25+02:00 Maggio 29th, 2013|Gmail|0 Comments

Facebook Launches Verified Accounts…

Facebook Launches Verified Accounts Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 29, 2013 Facebook Launches Verified AccountsDid the real Justin Bieber just send you a friend request? Now you can know for sure, thanks to a new Facebook feature: Verified Pages. Much like verified accounts on Twitter, verified Facebook pages will now display a small blue check mark [...]

By | 2013-05-29T23:00:59+02:00 Maggio 29th, 2013|Non categorizzato|0 Comments

When do customers & #marketing really Rock!…

When do customers & #marketing really Rock! Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 29, 2013 This is How You Use Your Customers For Marketing!I was scrolling through Facebook last week when I came across this post from Lexus. Immediately, I got excited! Granted, I wasn't excited so much for the content but for the way in which [...]

By | 2013-05-29T17:15:31+02:00 Maggio 29th, 2013|marketing|0 Comments