Watch the difference between a Boss and a Leader…
Watch the difference between a Boss and a Leader Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)April 29, 2013
Watch the difference between a Boss and a Leader Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)April 29, 2013
'By 2014 refusing to interact with customers via #SM will become unacceptable' (Infographic) #SocialCRM Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)April 29, 2013 Social Customer Service: un'infograficaPrendo spunto da un' infografica in cui mi sono imbattuto stamattina per riprendere il tema del Social Customer Servic e gà affrontato in un mio precedente post. In che modo i Social [...]
Thanks @Kerry_D_Ross for being my 300° Follower! Please visit my Blog ;-) Your comment is welcome! Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)April 29, 2013 Social Media ScrumSocial Media Scrum - Dentro la mischia del Social CRM
#SEO vs. #Google Search Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)April 29, 2013
How to Target Facebook Ads Based on Purchase History, Lifestyles and More | Social Media ExaminerWould you like to get more out of your Facebook advertising? Did you know you can now target Facebook ads based on people’s purchase history, job roles and other external insights from major data providers? Facebook continues to roll out [...]