Come i colori influenzano la nostre emozioni…ed…
Come i colori influenzano la nostre emozioni...ed i nostri acquisti [INFOGRAPHIC] #SMM Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)April 23, 2013
Come i colori influenzano la nostre emozioni...ed i nostri acquisti [INFOGRAPHIC] #SMM Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)April 23, 2013
7 great tools for your #Pinterest marketing Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)April 23, 2013 Pinterest Marketing: 7 Useful Tools - t2SocialPinterest marketing recently received a boost with the integration of backend analytics on Pinterest. These 7 tools can further benefit your Pinterest marketing strategy. Little by little, Pinterest is becoming more business friendly. First, there was [...]
26 Mobile Apps to Improve Your Business and Networking | Social Media ExaminerHave you been spending more of your mobile time using smartphone apps than browsing the web? Suffice it to say, you’re not alone. There are more than a million apps available and according to Sunil Gupta,”Users spend on average, 82% of their mobile [...]
Finalmente ho trovato la mia #App gemella: #BeerHunt, ;-) Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)April 23, 2013 BeerHunt, il "FourSquare" delle birreapplicazione per ios BeerHunt, il "FourSquare" delle birre L'applicazione permette il "check-in" di quello che beviamo. Il punteggio sale in base alla rarità MILANO - Vai in un pub, bevi una birra e guadagni sconti.
30 giugno 2013: Siete pronti per il Social Media Day? Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)April 22, 2013 Social Media Day Returns June 30, 2013Social Media Day is a day to celebrate the ways in which social media has changed our lives for the better. It's also a celebration of people - you, the people who make [...]