How to get full cooperation from your customer

How to get full cooperation from your customer

If you handle online support conversations sooner or later you’ll need to ask the customer to take action for you. From customer’s standpoint these are unexpected effort requests that they often reject. So how can you prevent being stuck in the middle of a digital conversation? Learn about this successful approach to get full cooperation from your customers next time you’ll ask them. 

Why in the world should I do that?!

That’s the typical negative reaction whenever a customer gets prompted to do something without seeing any good reason. Here’s how the customer typically bounces an agent’s requests.

Losing case

  • Agent: “Can you please email us a copy of your bank transfer?”
  • Customer: “No way. I’ve already done my part, do yours getting this issue fixed.”

Have you noticed that agent’s call to action lacks of logical and emotional leverage? Accordingly it has miserably failed. If you want instead to get full cooperation from your customers, explain the reason why and sell the advantage for them. Read below. ↓

Winning case

  • Agent: “In order to speed up this matter can you please email us a copy of your bank transfer? Then I’ll come back to you with my prompt feedback.” 
  • Customer “Alright, I’ll do that – but don’t let me wait too long.”.

Here the support agent has explained the reason why and clearly let the customer appreciate the advantage. Moreover also being proactive – promising the customer to save next interaction. So, whenever you ask your customer an effort, make sure your request is grounded on a solid RTA [Reason to Action]. That’s paramount when delivering support thru digital channels such as social media, live chat or messaging apps.

Turn your CTA into a RTA

As such details can make or break the whole conversation – thus overall customer experience – we dive into them during the Digital Customer Service training sessions with my clients. Here’s why they love our method.

Let’s talk about your Digital Customer Service

In recent months many organizations across Europe have accelerated their plans to implement / optimize their Digital Customer Service capabilities. How about your? Thanks to this brief video we can start talking about your specific needs.

Have great conversations.


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About Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. In the 90s he took part in the startup of the first online insurance company in Italy, following the customer's entire life cycle. Since 2013 as a consultant and trainer he has helped companies to exploit digital customer service as a business lever. Founder of, he is the author of thematic books at thematic conferences in Italy and abroad and lecturer at the Bicocca University of Milan.

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