Paolo Fabrizio

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Paolo Fabrizio

About Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. Negli anni '90 partecipa alla startup della prima compagnia assicurativa online in Italia seguendo l'intero ciclo di vita del cliente. Dal 2013 come consulente e formatore aiuta le imprese a sfruttare il servizio clienti digitale come leva di business. Fondatore di, è autore di libri tematici e speaker a convegni in Italia e all'estero. Lecturer all'Università Bicocca di Milano

How to generate leads with Call To Action…

How to generate leads with Call To Action #Blogging Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)April 04, 2013 How To Generate Leads With a Call To Action - Blogging For BusinessHow To Generate Leads With a Call To Action - Blogging For Business In previous articles we learned why Blogging is Important, the 1-2 Punch Lead Generation System, [...]

By | 2013-04-04T09:03:53+02:00 Aprile 4th, 2013|Blogging|0 Comments

Come aumentare i Retweet su #Twitter – please…

Come aumentare i Retweet su #Twitter - please Retweet ;-) Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)April 03, 2013 Come ottenere piu' Retweet su Twitter [tool]In: di: social media marketing | Dario Ciracì mercoledì - 03 aprile, 2013 Quando ci troviamo a gestire canali social aziendali o proprietari uno degli obiettivi principali di quanto diciamo e pubblichiamo sui canali [...]

By | 2013-04-03T17:47:03+02:00 Aprile 3rd, 2013|Twitter|0 Comments

7 essential #SocialMedia tools for your online…

7 essential #SocialMedia tools for your online presence Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)April 03, 2013 7 Essential Social Media Tools To Stand Out OnlineAmongst the many online conversations I have with people each day, one of the key questions I get asked is: How do you keep up? I'm on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Quora, Foursquare, [...]

By | 2013-04-03T12:17:12+02:00 Aprile 3rd, 2013|SocialMedia|0 Comments

How to Grow Your Email List With Facebook Promotions

How to Grow Your Email List With Facebook Promotions | Social Media ExaminerAre you looking for ways to grow your email list? Can email list-building and Facebook promotions work well together? In this article I’ll outline the potential synergies of email marketing and Facebook promotions. Included will be a dive into example Facebook Page promotions [...]

By | 2013-04-03T12:00:44+02:00 Aprile 3rd, 2013|Non categorizzato|0 Comments