

I risultati sorprendenti del #SocialMedia…

I risultati sorprendenti del #SocialMedia Marketing industry report. #SMtrends Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 28, 2013 Only 37% of Marketers Think Their Facebook Advertising is Effective [Study] Social Media Examiner has released the 2013 Social Media Marketing Industry Report. Of all the questions they posed to marketers this year, the thing
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Set your goals and strategy before entering the…

Set your goals and strategy before entering the #SocialMedia arena ! Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 24, 2013 What Are You Doing Here? So you’re on social media sites and you may even have a blog. Great! But I ask you one simple question: Why? Why are you here? Why are
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The 3 #SEO pillars: Content, Links &…

The 3 #SEO pillars: Content, Links & #SocialMedia. Be present on #GooglePlus ! Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 23, 2013 The 3 Pillars of SEO in 2013: Content, Links, and Social Media A good SEO strategy is the difference between your business easily being found online and getting lost in the
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Did you know that about 46% of online users rely…

Did you know that about 46% of online users rely on #SocialMedia to make a purchase decision? Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 21, 2013 18 Fresh Stats About the Current State of Social Media Marketing At some point or another, we’ve all heard people spout off about the “death” of social
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#SocialMedia: are you overwhelmed by information…

#SocialMedia: are you overwhelmed by information overload? Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 20, 2013 Social Media: The True Impact We spend a lot of time talking about how to make social media work for business and what kind of marketing targets social media users. But we don’t often take a step
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#SocialMedia are meaningless without face-to-face…

#SocialMedia are meaningless without face-to-face visits Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 18, 2013 The Power of Personal Touch In The Social Media Era Are you hiding behind a computer all day Tweeting away, posting to Facebook, viewing YouTube videos, or pinning to Pinterest? Are you engaging with your prospects and customers
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Come gestire 5 tipologie di clienti scontenti sui…

Come gestire 5 tipologie di clienti scontenti sui #SocialMedia Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 15, 2013 5 tipologie di clienti scontenti: ecco come gestirli sui social media e difendere loyalty e reputazione È l’altro lato della medaglia social, quello che fa da contrappeso allo scambio conversazionale che le aziende hanno con
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Without word-of-mouth, #SocialMedia would just not…

Without word-of-mouth, #SocialMedia would just not exist. #Pfabrquote Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 14, 2013
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30 minutes a day to optimize your #SocialMedia…

30 minutes a day to optimize your #SocialMedia activities Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 14, 2013 How to Rock your Social Media in 30 minutes a day – infographic With a defined social media strategy in place, marketers can rock social media in 30 minutes a day. Sound too good to
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6 Questions to beat your #SocialMedia Skepticisim …

6 Questions to beat your #SocialMedia Skepticisim Paolo FABRIZIO (@Pfabr)May 14, 2013 6 Questions for a Social Media Skeptic Recently, I found that I had a big detractor in my comment thread, a social technologist named Louis D. LoPresti, who has written an in ebook which he questions the
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