Digital Customer Service

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The service that clients love the most

Every company would like a crystal ball to know what clients love the most. In fact, even though some AI-powered platforms help detecting customer’s sentiment, it’s still pretty hard to predict towards which direction their demand is going to. Anyways, there are two things that you can do immediately to intercept customer’s signals – so [...]

By | 2024-10-22T18:13:01+02:00 October 22nd, 2024|Digital Customer Service|0 Comments

Why contextualizing conversations is key

Picture your average working day: I bet that you handle dozens of interactions through a vast array of channels. Regardless of they are with external or internal customers, make sure that your interlocutors are aware of the scenario and actions (taken or to be). Otherwise both of you will have doubled efforts and interactions! That’s [...]

By | 2024-10-08T06:49:40+02:00 October 8th, 2024|Digital Customer Service|0 Comments

Customer service can’t fix poor culture

What’s the department in charge of solving problems? I bet that you’d answer it’s customer service, regardless of the company or industry you’re thinking about it. Well, that’s partially true because the scenario we are in requires us to let evolve into a broader vision because customer service can’t fix everything. And customer culture plays [...]

By | 2024-09-24T22:13:16+02:00 September 24th, 2024|Digital Customer Service|0 Comments

10 top international customer service books

After reading them, I’m sure that you’ll enjoy great insights and inspiration. That’s why I’m glad to share my selection of 10 top customer service books. To each of them you’ll find a brief introduction note and a good reason to read them – because your time values! So, which ones have you read yet? [...]

By | 2024-09-11T10:55:02+02:00 September 11th, 2024|Digital Customer Service|0 Comments

The conversational and self-service mix

Last week I spent a wonderful week in Ireland enjoying stunning landscapes a chatting with friendly people. Then, as I got back to work, such an idyllic picture was swept away having the first conversations with client companies. In fact, most customer service managers are struggling to integrate Gen AI solutions into their operations and [...]

By | 2024-07-31T09:37:33+02:00 July 31st, 2024|Digital Customer Service|0 Comments