Digital Customer Service

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Treat everybody like regular customers

Last Thursday I was driving my car to visit two client companies in the north of Italy. Between these two meetings, I realized that I had enough time for a quick lunch, so I decided to park the car beside a small bar/restaurant. Then I got in. I tell you about this experience because it’s [...]

By | 2023-10-18T10:23:18+02:00 October 18th, 2023|Digital Customer Service|0 Comments

Channel inconsistency kills the experience

“Whenever I call them they’re pretty clear and helpful, but when I send them a Whatsapp message it’s a nightmare.” That’s a typical complaint that customer may share at dinner with family and friends, but also one of the most frequent pet peeves affecting many customer service managers. So why on earth such a channel [...]

By | 2023-10-04T19:18:20+02:00 October 4th, 2023|Digital Customer Service|0 Comments

Making the best of conversations

Every time customers ask for support, they have great emotional expectations before having any kind of interaction: entering a shop, calling or having a live chat with one of your agents. From a company’s standpoint instead the approach is usually a bit different: ‘how can I make the best of conversations to deliver great experiences [...]

By | 2023-09-20T08:33:47+02:00 September 19th, 2023|Digital Customer Service|0 Comments

5 ways to deliver digital sane experiences

While most companies maintain a strong focus on digital tools and platforms, many consumers keep complaining about poor conversations they have with them. The harsh truth is that many brands are convinced they are delivering sane experiences, whereas customers have a pretty different opinion. So why such a huge perception gap? Where is the bottleneck? [...]

By | 2023-07-19T11:18:26+02:00 July 19th, 2023|Digital Customer Service|0 Comments

Close the loop with your front line

When I was a kid my mother used to tell me: 'make sure to lock the window, otherwise air drafts will get in!' While that message was pretty clear to me, I could not imagine that it would remain relevant until today as for customer relationships. In particular whenever a 2° level support is necessary, [...]

By | 2023-07-04T17:05:48+02:00 July 4th, 2023|Digital Customer Service|0 Comments