Paolo Fabrizio

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Paolo Fabrizio

About Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. In the 90s he took part in the startup of the first online insurance company in Italy, following the customer's entire life cycle. Since 2013 as a consultant and trainer he has helped companies to exploit digital customer service as a business lever. Founder of, he is the author of thematic books at thematic conferences in Italy and abroad and lecturer at the Bicocca University of Milan.

From agents to Digital Customer Service specialists

“Once upon a call…” [unknown author, 2010] “One upon a chat…” [unknown author, 2020] These sentences sum up how customer support has dramatically changed in just a few years. In fact for the first time ever, customers call the tune deciding which digital channel use, when and how to use it. Consequently, many organizations have [...]

By | 2021-12-30T18:46:58+01:00 May 23rd, 2020|Digital Customer Service|0 Comments

The most urgent customer service call to action

Time waits for no oneIf you want to go onLeave me something to grow on - Time's up [Living Colour] People love using digital channels because they are easy to be used and FAST. In fact when it comes to asking for support sending tweets, Whatsapp messages or having live chat often is the best [...]

By | 2020-05-13T00:55:45+02:00 May 13th, 2020|Digital Customer Service|0 Comments

Welcome to Customer Service Culture

Hello people, I'm Paolo Fabrizio and I'd like to give you my warmest welcome to the english version of Customer Service Culture! Brief story: I've launched this website back in 2013 and in a few years has become the home of Digital Customer Service in Italy. From today on, you can also enjoy great content [...]

By | 2020-05-02T19:02:06+02:00 April 14th, 2020|Digital Customer Service|0 Comments

5 excuses blocking your Digital Customer Service

“We want to integrate digital channels into our customer service, but we don’t feel ready yet.” When I hear this sentence I try to understand the reasons that lead some brands to remain stuck in the starting blocks. I must say that in recent years I have heard many of them but that they’re actually [...]

By | 2021-03-23T17:28:27+01:00 April 2nd, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Digital Customer Service Personas [ebook]

As Digital Customer Service is growing, front line staff’s skills necessarily need to be updated. It’s about letting them acquire specific competencies to optimize and harness conversations through digital channels (social media, live chat and messaging apps). To respond to this urgency felt by more and more companies, I wrote the e-book Digital Customer Service [...]

By | 2021-04-07T16:58:33+02:00 January 29th, 2020|Social Customer Service|0 Comments